Hi Guys :) Well, i had quite the shock last Thursday when i found this little guy tangled up in the netting over my leeks! I ran to get to wake up The Bearded Wonder and he cut him free whilst i held him. The poor little soul was caught up so badly some of the netting was really wound tight around his spines. i brought him inside and wrapped him up and popped him in a box and called our local wildlife rescue http://farplace.org/ I dread to think how long he had been stuck as it had been at least a day and a half since i had last been in the garden :( Wildlife rescue came to collect him that evening and i am happy to report he is doing well, they got the rest of the netting off and he has been eating and drinking :) They are now going to keep him in over winter as he was too small to have survived, so, in a strange way, it was good that he got caught up in the netting. Does that make sense? ha-ha Now, i have a confession to make... i LOVE bed linen!...
“Use it up, wear it out, make it do, or do without.”