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Bullet Journalling, Seed Preparing And Yarning Along

Hi guys :)
The other day, while scrolling through Pinterest, i came across the idea of a Bullet Journal 
The basic idea is to condense everything into one handy little book, if you click the link it will explain it much more succinctly than me. There's a video too :)
This is a great journal for me as i can personalize how i like, everything is in one place and this year i may actually manage to be organized!

I created my own little planner from an old hard back book that was falling apart
I covered it in pretty wallpaper samples
and added a pocket to slide in the blank notebook i got for Christmas
And added a little cartoon me :)

I am following the idea of the bullet journal for the most part, but the beauty of it is you can personalize it exactly to your needs

I created a layout that suited me, with morning, afternoon and evening sections

and my own little colour code system at the bottom, though this may change depending on if i find a better system. I also cut up last year's calender, that i got free from a crochet mag, and stuck them at the bottom, isn't it cute? :D

I've already added in Woolfest! :)

I've set mine up a little differently to the Bullet Journal, as i've added all of the monthly logs first, which mean's i've got it all out of the way and i won't get the the end of the notebook and have months missing if i've run out of space. If that makes sense? haha

I then set up 12 pages for notes/to do/ ideas for each month 

I've also added a little Quote Of The Month page, i made the boxes deliberately small, as i want to find quotes that are short and sweet.

And a blank space in the middle for doodling.

This morning i got out my seed stash, i didn't realize i had quite so many!

I certainly won't run out any time soon haha 

I've gone through them all and wrote down which ones need to be sown when 
This is the herbs and flowers list

and this is the veg one 

I am also joining in with Yarn Along
A very pretty blanket to snuggle under :)

Originally they were going to be just granny squares sewn together, but Poundland sadly doesn't stock this shade of green anymore so i sewed them into a big square and shall just go around and around in cream :) Pam , your lovely bag is doing an excellent job as a crochet bag, it was much admired at Knit and Natter last Thursday 


  1. That's a great idea & you've made such a pretty journal. x

    1. Thank you :) i stock-piled wallpaper samples last year in the hopes of having a patchwork wall (which i may still do eventually) so i have rather a lot that needs to be used up haha :) xx

  2. Your journal looks great! I tend to have all the best intentions of keeping notes like that at the start of the year and then get distracted and forget! Love your crochet - gorgeous!

    1. Thank you Jayne :) I normally do too, which is why i'm trying this one, i figure the prettier it is the more likely i am to use it lol :)

  3. My notes get written on the calendar or in one of the two diary's, one diary is anything to do with livestock, the other is garden and craft, important things I must remember are done into a onscreen post it note on my laptop, notebooks are in my bag on the desk, everywhere including the bedside table, you have a good collection of seeds to get you going, just dont be in too much of a rush it saddens the heart to lose young plants to frost :-)

    1. I also have two calenders and a regular diary, the more places i have it written down, the more likely i am to remember what it is i'm supposed to be doing, or where i'm supposed to be haha :D And the prettier the notebook the more i'm going to want to use it

      i'm definitely going to be careful this year with plating, i MUST start a plan to actually get the garden itself sorted so i have somewhere to plant them lol xx

  4. Hi, that's on my list check the seeds and plan what to grow, keepbus up to date with your growing this year, x

    1. I definitely will, everything that was growing last year sort of got shoved into the back of my mind with everything else that was happening at the same time, but this year home grown is a must :) xx

  5. You're definitely going to be very organised this year. I don't use the bullet journal system but I do have a Filofax which keeps all my notes and lists together and I'd be totally lost without it. I really need to get my seed stash sorted out, now that I don't have the allotment I've got lots of seeds which won't get sown and I'd hate for them to go to waste. I need to sit down and sort out which ones I will use and I should take a leaf out of your book (or bullet journal) and make a list of when they need to be sown. The blanket's looking good and the great thing about making a large square rather than smaller granny squares is that there's no joining together at the end. Less ends to sew in too.

    1. I hope so! :) I love Filofaxes, i used to have one but i've no idea where it has gone lol What i love about them is the fact that they are re-fillable and can last for years

      The sowing list is great for me because i look at when they need to be sown on the back of the packet. then it goes instantly out of my head, and by the time i remember it's normally too late, so this way i'll be able to put each months sowing into my goals for the month list :)

      That's why i love this blanket too, i DESPISE sewing up and sewing in ends,ugh! :) xx

  6. We spent some time last week with a pile of seed packets and a calendar planning when to start things and when to plant things. Hoping to be more organized this year!

    1. What a good idea! i may have to put mine on the big calender too , and the one in the kitchen... and the pre printed diary ;)
      The more place i write it down the more likely i am to remember haha :) xx

    2. It was interesting to read about your bullet journal (and inspiring to see how you created it yourself from an old book). I tried bullet journaling last year and only managed to carry through with it for a month or two. I knew that might happen. But that means I have most of the book left over to start over again this year! :)

    3. Thank you Becki :) it was so much fun to create, and meant i got personalize it exactly how i wanted :)
      This year i am determined to see it through (i do tend forget about these things), and so far it seems to be working :) xx

  7. I don't strictly have a journal, but I have a book that I write all kinds of lists and things in, it is so great to have them all in one place. Hope that you enjoy your planner! xx

    1. Hi Amy, i don't do journalling in the purest sense of the word, like writing down hat i did each day etc, that would drive me crazy as i wouldn't know what to say, but just to keep on top of everything is a novelty to me, so it should work haha :) xx

  8. his idea of 'bullet journaling' is intriguing to me and I will check your link. I've noticed in historical journals that was their method and somehow I think I have to write a dissertation or do nothing at all. Thanks for sharing!

    1. You're welcome Rebecca :) It such a great way to be organized, and it's such a flexible system too xx

  9. Love the idea of the bullet journal looks like you had great fun creating it :-) I to have a book with each month of the year and when I can sow what seeds down certainly a great way to be organised and on top of it all, dee x

    1. Thank you Dee, it was so much fun to create :) with any luck i'll keep at it and actually do some of things i'm supposed to haha :) xx

  10. Your bullet journal looks great, I have read about it elsewhere but not in any detail. I write everything in my diary it has a calendar on one page and a notebook/lined page on the facing page if that makes sense! I am lost without it ;)

  11. Wow! A great idea - I have just printed off an A4 calendar/diary to keep me organised so will add bits to it.

  12. Hi, I'm just calling in on a trail through Blogland and came across your post on Bullet Journalling. I, too, have a journal like this and find it very handy to note down anything and everything. It's a very handy tool for getting things done. I've enjoyed my visit.


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