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Under Construction...Please Wait...

Hi all, 
Sorry for going AWOL this week, i didn't mean to take so long to reply to comments, but all last week we had builders in, and EVERYTHING had to be moved upstairs bar the sofas.

We finally got downstairs sorted out and damp-proofed (a long last, and after plenty of pestering)
The living room, kitchen, downstairs loo and pantry were treated
We had to spend the week living upstairs. 
This was our makeshift kitchen.

 The whole bottom half of the walls were ripped out, and a damp proof course put in,

All of the kitchen units taken out and scattered randomly wherever there was space 

I can't even begin to tell you how pleased i am to be back to normal, sitting in our living room and not being surrounded by dust any more, being able to cook in our own kitchen.

Now, downstairs looks like half a job, as it is painted magnolia, and obviously the plaster is brown.
If you squint very hard it looks like two tone walls lol

Luckily,we are being reimbursed with decorating vouchers , so we can re-paint in whatever colour we fancy, for the living room i'm thinking two tone, with soft blue on the lower half and white on the top half, with some form of border running through the middle :)

But, i am so very,very pleased to have it finally sorted out, and with any luck, that will be the end of the problem (it bloody better be!)

I shall be able to resume normal posting, when i have something interesting to say hahaha :D

Stiff upper lip and all that...


  1. You'll soon get back to normal, we have all had times when we have had to live not quite how we like x

    1. oh i can't wait, especially the decorating :D xx

  2. That's a result. Weren't you only blogging about the damp before Christmas and how you wanted it sorted or was that something else? Glad you have it sorted and you get to decorate how you want to too.

    1. that was the same thing, but we've been having this problem since we moved in about a year ago, not quite a fast result haha but we have certainly noticed the difference, now that it is finished xx

  3. I was a magnolia woman for many years then I was inspired by some curtains I bought from Dalton Park Next seconds and the colours started invading our home - Pale Hound, Hound and even a Brassica!

    1. we didn't choose magnolia, it was thwere when we moved in, and over the year i have tried brightening it slowly but surely, so to be able to get new paint is incredibly exiting :D

  4. I hope you find your way back to normality soon! In the meantime I've finally gotten around to posting the next homebrew project for you as promised, albeit a little late, best part is you won't even need a kitchen for this one :D

    1. We are finally getting there, we aren't making any firm plans until everything is painted though, saves having to move everything again haha
      I've already bought the apple juice, all ii need is the water bottle and balloon, i'm so exited to get started :D x

  5. Goodness hope things get back to normal soon for you. The colours you are choosing sound lovely, dee x

    1. Me too, we aren't making any fir plans until the decorating is done though, saves having to cart everything back and forward lol
      I'm impatient to get started :) xx

  6. Glad you are getting the problems sorted! Enjoy the decorating and making it your own! xx

    1. me too, not before time either, only took them a year haha :D i'm sooo looking forward to getting started xx


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