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Happy days- Yarning Along

Hi guys :D

Life has gone back to it's normal pace, busy one week and slow the next, which is what i like :) 

Lots of things have been happening this week, but first, to my most exiting news...

Look what we have!
(The Bearded Wonders' amazingly hairy legs in the background)

A good friend who runs the clothing bank put a shout out on Facebook and turned up this electric cooker! I jumped around the living room and nearly made the Bearded Wonder jump out of his skin haha :D

Of course, i immediately cooked scones in celebration

and some bread :)
(i also finally remembered to buy a cooling rack: 99p from Home Bargains)

I've been pickling this week too.
I made sweet pickled cucumbers (perfect on a burger! Yummy!)

                    And some pickled eggs

What a pain to peel them all haha

These jars are amazing, they're a pickling vinegar and cost £1.52 which isn't too bad really. I'm going to be buying them so i can build up a good stock of the jars, which are so handy for other things too, then once i have enough i can make my own pickling spices, as the vinegar it comes with is just a wee bit too strong for me, but once the eggs were in the jar it overflowed enough to use the rest for the sweet pickled cucumbers. Two for the price of one :D
(my failed attempt at removing the label! You'd think they would make them easy to remove!)

I'm also joining in with Yarn Along 

My blanket is making good progress and growing rather swiftly now :)i found two 150g balls of cream yarn in a charity shop for 99p so they shall keep me going for a while haha 
i just need to find another ball or two of different green shades, then once this is finished my next project will be a blue and white blanket for the living room.

Our paint and decorating things have been ordered and shall hopefully be here towards the end of the week :) I'm so exited! I can't wait to get to started! I've got a whole pinterest board dedicated to the project with various blue shades and decor ideas for inspiration 


  1. I am so pleased for you, tip for you leave to oven door open after you have finished baking, warms the room up. Please share your pickling recipes xx

    1. oooh good idea, i wonder if it would go through to the living room? we never have a problem warming the kitchen up for some reason, probably as it's such a small room haha :) I've written myself a reminder to for the next post to add in the pickling for you :) xx

    2. though if you want to pickle eggs using bought pickling vinegar (i bought this one in Morrisons) just boil as many eggs as can fit in the jar (12-15) though we used the steamer as it's easier and you can fit more in. peel then leave to cool in a covered bowl , when fully cool pop in fridge to firm up for an hour then just plonk them in the jar. Just make sure you put the jar in a bowl to catch the over flow then you can use something for something else, like i did :) xx

  2. I am going to do some, I remember the days of a pickled egg and bag of crisps xx

  3. Very exciting news and it looks like it has fitted in beautifully. I'm pondering on the idea of making Mike some pickled eggs to have with salads for work xx

    1. oh it has! and we are certainly making it earn it's keep haha :D oh you definitely should, they are sooo yummy, i don't know why i took me so long to make them lol x

  4. Ooh, pickled eggs, in brown vinegar, ace. I make sweet cucumber pickle as well, love it on its own, and chopped fine into mayo makes a substitute for tartare sauce for pennies. Great news on the cooker front, if you cut your scones into squares you will not have to roll the mix out twice, I just pat it out with my hands, saves on washing up.

    1. i adore sweet pickled cucumbers, i could just scoff them all day long lol ooh i shall have to try the tartare sauce, Bearded Wonder is actually cooking fish but he's cooking it a pasta bake :( damn.
      What a genius idea, cutting the scones into squares! I can't believe i never thought of that before :) xx

  5. I love pickled cucumbers! They taste great on a cracker with cream cheese........

    I need a new oven too, so glad you found one.

    1. oooh yummy, i've never tried that,i shall add crackers to my shopping list :) xx

  6. Hooray for a new cooker! I like it! Your project is very pretty, too!

    1. I'm ever so pleased to be cooking normally again :D and thank you, it such a pleasure to make xx

  7. I am so excited for you having a cooker again must be a god send and I think scones and bread would have been my first choice to :-) I know it sounds stupid and you probably did it already but if you soak the bottles in boiling water and then get a scrubbing cloth the labels should peel away I hate sticky labels. Pickling eggs sound great and I many have to remember that if I get an overload from my girls. dee x

    1. Oh it is! i'm so pleased to cook normally again, rather than going from one gadget to the other haha
      I normally do do that, but the vinegar was already in the jar, so i figured i'd just peel it off then get rid of the rest when the jar is empty , my silly mistake haha :)
      Fingers crossed the girls will reward you with eggs soon :) xxx

  8. Back online again what a lovely post to catch up on :-)

  9. just in case you missed it your name has been drawn over on Simple Living,

    hope you are both well,
    All the best


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