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Garden stuff

Hi guys :)

Thank your all your lovely comments about the Bearded Wonder, he is doing wonderfully and has even voluntarily made a new appointment at the doctors (will wonders ever cease?)

With the lovely weather we have finally made it out into the garden, and got to work. 
There is still so much to do to get it to where we want it but, progress is progress no matter how small :)
The Bearded Wonder has dug out the path, and we are going to border it in an attempt at keeping the weeds and grass at bay, and put either gravel or pebbles in the gaps.

I have cobbled together a frame, and am going to put down cardboard, newspaper and mulch to block down the weeds, and with any luck by next year it should be diggable, and shall be used for herbs and above ground growing plants such as salads and brassicas etc 

We also got a lovely new bed from a friend, so our old Divan bed has had it's fabric sides ripped out and shall be pressed into service as raised beds for leeks, carrots etc and possibly potatoes on one side.
I deliberately left the cardboard on the bottom as a weed suppressant and it shall be adding more layers of cardboard and newspaper, and i am looking for some more wood for the sides so it will be completely solid, and some stakes for the corners so it doesn't blow away

Little Angus is doing nicely and, speaking of weeds, is shooting up like one! He's growing by the second!

I've been busy in the kitchen as Morrison's is doing punnets of strawberries for £1 so i now have a couple of lovely jewel coloured jars lining my shelf :)

I also found myself a wee bargain in a charity shop, a Knitting Mate,which is a hand knitting machine, for 99p! It's set up rather like a knitting loom, except you have a large needle to thread, rather than a hook. It is a lot quieter and easier to get the hang of than a mechanical knitting machine, and hopefully i shall be able to produce at least a scarf! 

I am off to catch up on some blogs :)


  1. Glad to see you are making headway with the garden and planning ahead, hope the doctors appointment goes well

    1. I think this way shall be easiest, i think i was being too ambitious trying to get everything done and sown and planted this year, with nothing to put them in lol, i overwhelmed myself and got irritated when it didn't work lol (so impatient!) xx

  2. You have been busy! We wondered where you'd gone, the sun dries up all the blog posts as people are out being busy bees

    1. Aww thanks Rich :) We are determined to make the most of the good weather because knowing our luck it'll disappear within a week lol

  3. You have been busy. I enjoy watching your progress. Angus is so cute I'm surprised you get anything done while he's around. X

    1. Thank you Jules :) I'm just pleased to be actually making progress haha :) He is adorable but he's a wee torment, he's taken to wrapping himself around my wrist like a little furry limpet :) xx

  4. Glad to hear the BW is doing well. Gardening can be a slow process but it will pay off in the end!

    1. Thank you hun, doctor's appointment well and he is a lot more settled and keeping himself busy :)

  5. Angus is gorgeous - but I recommend discouraging any biting/ clinging on with claws while he's young. We thought "ah, it's sweet" when Bib was tiny, with tiny little teeth. Now she's bigger with pointy fangs her bitey habits are not so sweet!!

    Your gardening exploits are impressive. Mine, sadly,are not.

    1. Oh tell e about it! he's a wee torment at the moment as he thinks my feet are an acceptable chew toy, and he looks all hurt when he is told haha it's for his own good though
      And thank you,it's getting there slowly but surely :)

  6. I love the idea of using your old bed as a garden bed - genius reusing there! My garden is full of weeds, going out to deal with some of them now!


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