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More garden updates

Hi all :) 
I finally got around to writing a new post :)
 I know, i know! It's been ages! It's not like i didn't have time, i just kept forgetting haha 

I found a compost bin on freecycle, thanks to lovely friend who helped with a lift to get it home (i can neither confirm nor deny that we got lost trying to find the house...)  and we are working hard on getting it filled.

I made myself a wee sewing box from a cardboard box and some fabric samples
and an apple pie, which we haven't had in ages! yummy! 

Little met large when we puppy-sat on Saturday, Angus quickly established who was boss

He is quickly growing up

We celebrated our 6 year anniversary of being together on sunday :) i got merry on a bottle of rose and poor Bearded Wonder had lemonade as his medication means he can't drink alcohol :(

The garden is making progress, we have taken advantage of the hot weather and The Bearded Wonder is digging out my side for veg beds, as well as the two raised ones. The plan is to get it dug out by the end of the warm weather, then cover it  completely through the winter, which will hopefully eradicate all the weeds!
I have started building a fence around that side from foraged branches and twigs (only ones that have fallen) it looks a bit rough and ready but it should look lovely when it's finished :)

I also hope to eventually plant lavender hedges along the fence , the washing line is on the other side, so the laundry will smell fantastic when it brushes against the lavender

I made a wee gate too

and at the moment it's hinges are string until i can get some proper ones, hopefully next week :)


  1. I love your fence! I'm wanting to make a little fence at the end of our main garden bed, to screen the unattractive view of the compost bins, I might borrow your idea! :)

    1. Thank you Susie :) a pleased to ave inspired someone :) xx

    2. was meant to say *am pleased to have inspire someone

  2. I love your homemade fence and gate, very rustic. It will look great when you have your lavender in place. Happy anniversary xx

    1. Thank you Jo :) haha rustic is the operative word until i can fix it together with something better lol :) xx

  3. You have been busy and congratulations on the six year anniversary.

  4. Congratulations to you both. You've been so busy. I always feel ashamed when I see what other people manage to achieve. The gate is wonderful. It reminds me of one I saw at a National Trust property once. I love the picture of Angus. Your boy's getting all grown up. X

    1. oh bless you , don't feel ashamed, i have too much time on my hands haha :)
      Isn't he just? he's such a big boy now :) xx

  5. I love your fence and gate they look great! You have been busy! Happy Anniversary to you both.

    1. Thank you so much , whether they hold up is a different matter haha:) x

  6. loving the rought and ready brance fence/gate, right up my street that is and I think it looks better than any of the far-east junk you can buy off the shelf!

    1. Thank you Tricky :) and it's a darn sight less expensive this way too haha :) and certainly unique x


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