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The Fence is almost finished!

Hi guys!
Hallelujah the fence is almost done! 
2 sides just need crosses in the middle as extra support then that will be it :)

Do you like the new path layout? The Bearded Wonder has been rearranging it (again ;) ) It was originally spaced further apart with stones in the middle, but the weeds kept popping up through the stones so this way (hopefully!) they won't be as bad!

It's amazing that it used to look like this just a few months ago!

The other side still resembles a jungle, but it will get done in time :) 

The Bearded Wonder has been amazing! He's dug out the whole front garden, and has started to add stones down this side, which are all the stones that got dug out from both sides of the garden :) 
As usual, the weeds are already starting to grow back! 

In kitchen news, i'm very pleased to show you my new toy, a Morphy Richards breadmaker!
It was completely free and it came from the same lady where i got Angus, down the road .
 I must say, it has taken my breadmaking to a whole new level! It makes my other breadmaker look like a poor relation!

My old bread maker sadly wasn't very good at baking the actual bread, so i used to use it for the dough setting and bake in the oven, but the Morphy Richards produces bread so soft and fluffy there's no need to bake in the oven, which means i get to use the delay timer overnight and have lovely fresh bread when i wake up :)

It also has a cake setting, so i tested it and got a lovely Madeira sponge, a bit dense, but very, very nice :)
Even more exciting (to me, at least) is it has a jam setting! I'm looking forward to using it next week when we go shopping :)

I made my very first cheese and onion quiche on Tuesday, which was absolutely delicious if i say so myself! I've finally mastered my pastry, the trick in my recipe book is to use 115g of butter (or margarine) and 65g of lard, it makes a lovely flaky shortcrust :)

We had a lovely bike ride yesterday where we went to the next village (6 miles there and back) where we had a picnic and a scoot around the village, then rode/walked back up the hills to home, which just about killed me!

And of course, no blog post would be complete without Angus, he took over my yoga mat and showed me a new  pose called "The Mouse Killer" ;)


  1. We have that bread maker and it has never let us down. I have a quiche recipe which you do not use pastry at all, I love it, less carbs.

    1. That's good to hear :D my poor old one is starting to clunk and buzz when it's mixing so it's retiring gracefully and being kept as a back up :)

      Oh but i love carbs :( they're the best part haha :) could you send me the recipe? xx

  2. I love the pics! Where is that view? Stunning with the bikes in the foreground. Great goings on the breadmaker. I find making jam in the preserving pan is more rewarding and just as quick as using the BM but then again I seem to have the bug for preserving :D at the moment.

    1. Thank you 😀 it's a wee village called Thornley about a mile down the road from Tow Law, next time you're at Durham hens go down Wolsingham road and it's the road on the left,just follow that road and it leads you straight there :) and you can get back to the A68 by following the road that's next to the first house you see as you go into the village. It's a lovely little spot ,so peaceful and quiet :) I'd love to lice there if I ever got the chance

      Haha I know exactly what you mean, I go through the same thing whenever I find a fruit bargain, im looking forward to being able to preserve a lot more next year once we start growing everything :)

  3. Your garden is coming on great, you could always have the other side as a wild garden set up some bug hotels, hedgehog house and sink a baby bath for a small pond, a sprinkling of wild flower seeds, I have been following your bike rides great stuff keep it up :-)

    1. Thank you Dawn, I can't wait to get everything growing :)
      Oooh that's a good idea, I never thought of a baby bath, as we have been planning a pond somewhere but it was figuring out how to do it lol we did think of using an old car tyre but I was sure if it would be safe for wildlife with all the chemicals that would be in them xx

  4. Yey! Look at your lovely garden, it's looking soo good! I love your handmade fence. Your bread looks amazing too :)

  5. It looks fab, very rustic! I can;t wait to see it next year full of veg. My bread maker retired disgracefully several years back and I've yet to replace it x

  6. It's all looking great. What a difference in just a few months. I must say my mouth was watering when I saw the photograph of the quiche. It looks delicious. I hope you he lots of use from your breadmaker. Mine died on me a while back now so I just make it by hand. X

  7. A good bread maker is a game changer - not many days go by when I don't use mine (if it does panattoni then it's great as a treat).
    Gadren is looking great by the way!


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