I never imagined this day would come so soon, but I finally have chickens!
They are called Margo and Barbara and are the sweetest things!
They have been here 3 weeks on Saturday and it feels like I have always known them, and they certainly live up to their namesakes, Margo is super bossy, a bit snobbish and bullies Barbara. Barbara is quiet and gentle, but no less stubborn.
I've been a busy bee this summer, making various jams from my homegrown blackcurrants, and foraged brambles, and apple chutney and jelly from free apples from a friend
The Bearded Wonder and I have also been attending stained glass classes, and are getting quite good!
Margo laid her first and only egg, though in fairness it's almost winter, and I think they are starting to moult.

Fancy chickens get their breakfast scooped in a teacup.
Enjoying a good dust bath and a gossip
My chard is apparently an all-you-can-eat salad bar
They both enjoy helping me turn over the beds
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