How the time has flown!
This Saturday saw us adding two new girls to the flock. Meet Felicity and Penelope.

The poor little buggers were so frightened by this strange new world, with fresh air, room to move and dirt to scratch in, but they've soon got used to it and are coming out of their shells.
Felicity is definitely the bolder of the two, and now she's figured everything out she likes to show poor little Penelope who's boss

Felicity checking out the dust bath

Barbara checking out the roost in the new indoor shelter (formerly a wendyhouse)

Felicity stepping out into the sunshine.

This afternoon saw me teaching the new girls how to peck at the broccoli i'd hung up for them.
Fliss was unimpressed, she'd rather try and eat my engagement ring.

The good news is that after a week they are all starting to settle in with each other, and now there is much less squabbling between them and the older girls, Margo and Barbara, thank goodness!
It makes me absolutely furious that battery farming is still being allowed to go on. Sure, they may have "enriched cages" now, but it's still the same shit, just under a different name. It is absolute bullshit that these beautiful, loving, intelligent creatures have to suffer just so we can have an 18 pack of eggs for £1.49.
I try very hard not to be a hypocrite, so will admit to having bought those eggs in the past, when you have little money you do what you have to feed yourself and your family, but i am fortunate to now be in a position where i can take these two gorgeous girls and give them a better life than they ever could have dreamed of (do chickens dream? It hasn't been disproven, after all.)
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