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New Beginnings

Hi Guys :)

This is going to be an extension of The Undomestic Diva, but (hopefully) focusing more on the garden and my attempts to grow things in it, and be more self sufficient.
I make a lot of things for my home, if i can make it cheaper then i don't buy it, but i still feel that there are more things that i haven't discovered yet, i'd like to try spinning again, i have tried it before (with varying degrees of success) but i would like to pick it back up again. Ideally, maybe this year or next i can get a full size spinning wheel, but for now, i'm going to make my own drop spindle.
I have a knitting machine, so I'm determined to master it this year, and make lots of jumpers, socks, blankets and so on.
I eventually want to be able to make my own clothes (that fit and don't fall apart)
Weaving (i have a small child's' rigid heddle loom) scarves, rugs etc
Crocheting (which i already do, but again, i want to make more things for me and hubby and the house)

Anyone have any suggestions?


  1. Looking forward to it x

  2. Look forward to it! Making clothing other than knitted is one of my thoughts too. I am imagining the wonderful suit Tom and Barbara made in The Good Life!

  3. Haha Jayne! Exactly! I don't think i would go for that particular shade of green though ;)

  4. I think it's exciting embarking on this type of venture, I've read lots of posts on different blogs about this type of thing and I always find it interesting to hear the results. How about things like soap making and making your own cleaning agents, you may already do this of course. I look forward to hearing more.

    1. It's terribly exiting!
      I figured if i actually wrote it down and posted it on here, i'd actually do it more, i have a habit of making goals and forgetting them or getting distracted by something else, so people waiting to see the results will give me a push :)
      I do make my own cleaning agents, but not soap as yet, i shall add it to the list :) I want to experiment more with herbs, i use them all the time in cooking, but i'm thinking more towards teas and medicines too, and of course in soaps, they have so many wonderful benefits :)

  5. I look forward to following and enjoying all that you do and love reading all of your upbeat and wonderfully blogs that are always written with pizzazz :) <3


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