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Socks and Simple Pleasures

 Hi guys :)
How do you like the blogs' new look and layout?  I fancied a change :)
The socks on double pointed needles are going well! After a few hiccups with turning the heel (it got ripped out about 5 times!) it is finally beginning to take the shape of a sock! I must admit i am starting to get thoroughly sick of the colour brown!
I tried it on after turning the heel but as the needles are straight they wouldn't fit over the instep so i had to quickly transfer them to a long circular.  It turns out knitting with DPN's is easier than it looks once you get into the rhythm of it :) 

 Today is looking gloomy and miserable, so no chance of putting the washing out. So i thought i'd share some sunnier pictures from the past few weeks

This is the view about 1 mile from the house, i often wander down there to get some peace on nice days

 On the way home i saw these beautiful horses, they saw me and started running and playing :)

Taking a break
 (RIP lovely sandals :( they finally gave up and snapped last week after 2 years of hard work. They were soooo comfy!)

A freshly shorn sheep :) 

This was on a walk with a few friends last week, we were plagued by flies so we had to pick some bracken and wave them around our heads to keep them at bay! It is a good job there weren't many people around, what a sight we must have looked haha :D I couldn't resist snapping a pic :)

The beautiful guide dog Izzy, sulking because she had to wear her bell so her owner could hear where she was 

Cooling our feet in a wee river

I do enjoy these walks, i may complain about the length, but in such beautiful surroundings , i find i don't notice how long we have been walking.

Do you have a favourite place to walk? A favourite view? I would love to see it :)


  1. You live in a lovely area, I love the new look of your blog xx

    1. It is truly stunning :) I also walk to remind myself how lucky i am for this view, no matter how much the house is falling down haha :D xx

  2. Your socks are coming on great, I like to knit socks with DPN's, I know ow you feel about brown, I am fed up of carding brown fleece now and may have to switch to a different colour just for a break :-)

    1. thank you Dawn :D As i said, once you get over the terror of using DPN's they are so simple to use :) haha i don't blame you! I must invest in a nice blue for my next pair :) xx

  3. I like the new blog style :)

    1. Thank you Emma :) I have followed your blog again, for some reason it came up saying i wasn't following you, either that, or i'm losing the plot ;)

  4. The new look is great. When I knitted my first socks I very nearly did myself untold damage with DPN's! The views on your walk are beautiful. You live in a lovely area.

    1. Thank you :)

      Haha i know! I have to wear my glasses so i don't poke myself in the eye! Sadly i can't wear anything so i won't poke myself in the nose...that hurt! ;) xx

  5. I like the new blog lay out. Especially the dry-stone walls.

    1. Thank you Dave, i love them too, they seem rather rare in England these days :(

  6. Love your new look! A change is as good as a holiday!
    Glad the socks are going well. Your views are amazing - what a gorgeous place to live.

    1. Thank you Jayne :) A change is almost as good as a holiday, i'm desperate for one!haha :D Socks are now not going so well.. i am sick of the sight of them now lol :D
      It is wonderful, i get to look at the dales everyday from my bedroom window :)

  7. So lovely to make your acquaintance, I am excited as I am getting back into growing again and its nice to find other blogs similar. I am going to have a good nosy around your blog space. We have moved home recently too and are still exploring our surroundings, still to find a spot we really like, then we will keep it a secret sshhhh.

    1. Lovely to meet you too Shaheen :)
      It's a wonderful experience isn't it? I find myself learning new things every day :)
      I'm off to peek at your blog :D xx

  8. hello,
    you live in a beautiful area.your socks going well.
    lovely blog.
    have a nice evening,

    1. Hi Regina, lovely to meet you :) I'm off to visit your blog, have a lovely week :) xx


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