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Showing posts from September, 2015

Crochet bunting, Yarn Along And Pretty Flowers

Hi Guys :) This week i am joining in with   Yarn Along for some reason the wee button thing-a-ma-jig won't show up! :/ This was my project yesterday, i painted the wall pink and finally put up my flower canvases, i've had them for a while but didn't know what to do with them, and it occurred to me to make a feature wall out of the! And look how lovely it is! :)  The room instantly looks brighter, but soft at the same time , and it really makes me happy when i see it :) I'm not normally a pink person, but for this i shall make an exception I think the wall may need another coat but i shall do that later. I'm thinking a lovely soft gray for two of the walls on each side I was thinking about crocheting a bunting to go over the mantel and i forgot this one was hanging up on the window   Continuing with the flower theme i made myself a new coaster                               ...

Our Speaker Today

Hi guys :)  I am part of a community growers group, and over the next year or so we are going try and make our village look nicer and have an edible garden and flower beds.  Co Durham council are going to stop planting flowers in the flower beds on our main street, due to budget cuts, so we got the idea of putting things in the beds ourselves, including lots of herbs, and fruit bushes along the green. We want to really bring the community together and get them involved in growing things and generally making the village look nicer.  Yesterday, me and a two other members (and friends of course!) went on a wee jolly to Durham, for the Food Durham Annual Gathering. It is a marvellous initiative called The County Durham Food partnership.More info  here "Launched in May last year, the purpose is to work together for a more equitable,sustainable, fairer food system for County Durham providing access to food that is healthy for people and the planet." Doe...

Back to the drawing board!

Hi guys Sadly the washing machine was not to be :(  We put a load on yesterday and it wouldn't do a proper wash, then it decided it didn't want to finish the spin cycle, and as an added bonus it sprung a leak!  That was fun! So we ended up having to take the pipes off and flood the kitchen and almost falling on our backsides in the process, I'm very pleased no one could see us haha :) Then I had to re do all the washing and to cap it all off i couldn't even get it dry outside because this happened!  Oh well, you live and learn, and sometimes get soaked whilst you are doing it :) I'm still awaiting a proper reply about the gas pipe. The "gas supervisor" is going to get in touch apparently. Seriously look at how narrow that gap is! The first time i emailed they tried to fob me off saying it was my responsibility, but the kitchen was re  furbished before we moved in, and clearly someone didn't know how to design a kitchen! Th...

Wonderful Surprises and Hows That For Irony?

Well this has been a funny old week. So far i've had two surprises If you remember I bought a plunger, all ready for washing and was full of grand plans for making a bucket washing machine, and then a very good friend turns up with this!  For free!  So that was surprise number one,how's that for ironic? haha :)  The bad news, is that after a look under the sink, we don't actually have the pipe that attaches to the waste trap...which is no surprise in this house!  So, i reported it to the housing association, and am waiting to hear back. I gave it a try and put the pipe in my washing tub to catch the water!  My goodness it is loud! After going for so long without one, the noise level gave me quite a shock! Especially on the spin cycle. Surprise number two was this! A gas cooker! Brought to me by the same friend, it cost only £20! More bad news is the gas pipe won't fit because when they refurbished the kitchen before w...

DIY Washing Machine, Leeks and Banana Fertilizer

The forecast said it would be fine, Perfect drying for laundry time. Strip the beds, collect the clothes, Into the machine the first wash goes. The colours separated from the white, Why do socks disappear from sight? Pegs at the ready, machine finished spin, Hanging out clothes about to begin. All of a sudden it starts to rain, Carry the clothes back in again. Wait awhile and hope it will stop. Is it worth sorting another lot? Mary Rose Hi guys :) I finally got round to buying a washing machine! Ok, so not in the usual sense of the word. I bought a plunger! We don't own a washing machine, our old one conked out completely before we moved and we can't afford to replace it. So, i do our washing by hand.  It's not a hardship, we don't generate much washing, and we wear most things more than once unless it is stained, and as much as i love it (Much quicker, no electricity, relatively eco friendly) it does take its toll on the hands, e...