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Every Time A Bell Rings, An Angel Gets His Wings

Hi guys! :)
God, isn't this weather terrible? I planned on going to find some pine cones and twiggy things to decorate the Christmas tree, but it's just too miserable to go anywhere unless necessary :/ 
One day this week i will be going to find some, whatever the weather!

I've been busy making decorations to sell at the Coffee Morning next Thursday, i promise i shall put more details in a post next week 

I've been making quite a few of these little angels, also to sell

I've also crocheted some little Christmas puddings , but the photo has disappeared.

I spent a very pleasant hour organizing the pantry/bookshelf and popped everything in jars that i had saved just for this :) i love re-using things :) and it all looks nice and neat and tidy (though it probably won't last!)

I've also got some apple cider vinegar on the go, it smells delicious! I love it as it's a great natural cleaner

We also finally got the fence fixed! Hip Hip Hooray! After 8 months of waiting for the housing association to sort it they finally got round to it!

It looks very strange now after seeing it down for so long.

I've also been making mulled cranberry juice
I LOVE  mulled cranberry juice. It's much cheaper than wine, and just as delicious 
I had some Schwartz mulled wine spice sachets left from last year, but the basic recipe is:
4 tablespoons light brown sugar
200 ml water 
500ml of cranberry juice
a smidge of lemon juice
one orange, sliced thinly
1/2 tsp of honey
2 cloves- or a smigden of ground cloves
1/2 tsp ground nutmeg
1/2 tsp ground cinnamon (or a cinnamon stick if you have one at the time)
a pinch of ground ginger

(You can also make some home made spice sachets from coffee filters, instructions here
Combine all ingredients in one large pot
Bring to boil and let it gently simmer for 10 minutes
Serve in a pretty glass and enjoy :)


  1. I like the idea of the Cranberry juice, I might make it and leave it on low in the slow cooker then you can help yourself whenever. I have a thing about jars, I keep all jars, so useful.

    1. oooh i forgot about my slow cooker! i'll do that next time i make it :)

  2. Mulled cranberry juice is a fab idea, I will give that ago & you have certainly been keeping yourself busy x

    1. Thanks hun, i promise, you'll love it! It's absolutely delicious :) xx

  3. Mulled cranberry juice sounds delicious, and especially good for non drinkers! I hope that the coffee morning goes well for you. xx

    1. Oh it definitely is delicious! It's so much cheaper too, you can get cartons of cranberry juice for about 50p in bargain shops, or ow brand in Tesco's i think :)

  4. Mulled Cranberry sounds lovely, I like things in jars, I hate opening the cupboard and finding packets of things, I remember a place in my old town a long time ago that sold everything loose every week when I was shopping I would go in there and buy loose ingredients and a jar I still have those jars, I was so sad when they closed down

    1. Oh it is gorgeous! it's just the thing for cold nights :)
      Me too, it looks so untidy and everything ends up falling out and making a mess :)
      I wish we still had shops like that, it would create so much less waste! xx

  5. Such cute little angels! I'm definitely going to try making the mulled cranberry juice for a change. I always think it's a waste of good wine. X

    1. Thank you :) i'm in the middle of making more , and i'm procrastinating haha :)
      It is a waste of good wine, you buy a carton of own brand cranberry juice for around 50p, so it's a huge saving :) xx


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