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Busy Busy

Hi guys :) 
These past few weeks have been so busy!
Well, last week, the fruits of my labour decided to collapse, after 7 months of hard service :( so that's another to add to the list of things to look for.

Preparations for the community exhibition are going really well, the day is looming  (13 Nov over the whole weekend)
I'm busy helping prepare the display boards to show off everything the centre has done, including children's drawings, a 20ft long banner, various groups such as cubs and brownies etc our very own knit and natter board with things we have made and so on. I drew a pair of hands knitting, and photocopied them and stuck them in various corners, so it kind of looks like they are knitting the photo's together
I also drew this one- which is hands crocheting. 
I can't wait to show you all of the photo's, and the blanket!! We got to see it almost finished today, and it is stunning!

I got crafty and made a blanket ladder, with foraged branches from the woods close by.

I made a cute wee cushion from fabric samples, just for the sake of it :) 
I also got a breadmaker!! yay!! i did have one for a short time a few months ago ,from a lovely friend, but it died rather quickly , sadly :( 
I'm looking forward to playing with it :)

I also get to play with this spinning wheel for a whole month!! I borrowed it from a lovely lady from our textiles group :) I'll have to show you proper pictures soon :) 

And finally... The Fog. I keep expecting to see pirates emerging at any minute (comment below if you get the reference ;) )

It has been like this for nigh on 5 days non stop! We are up so high on this hill we are practically living in the clouds anyway but this is getting ridiculous haha

What have you been up to this week? :)


  1. good luck with the exhibition, looks like you have been busy with your preperations, love the blanket ladder :-)

    1. Thanks hun, i can't wait to finally see everything finished and in place :)
      i'm afraid i've been a rather naughty blog neighbour, i do read your post but i almost always get distracted, or have to rush off and forget to come back and comment xx

  2. Hehe those pirates terrified me! You have been a busy girl. Hope it goes well for you!

    1. 10 points to Gryffindor! I must say, i prefer the original version, much scarier :)
      And i hope it goes well too, busy this week putting on finishing touches, and roping in the hubby to cater for us :) xx

  3. I have had several bread makers in the past, they all died on me, I would have another but it would have to come from freecycle.

    1. Aww it's sad when they die on you :( especially when you need to make something lol keep checking freecycle , one is bound to turn up :) xxx

  4. I love your creations, especially the blanket ladder. I hope you sort out your wardrobe soon. I've given up hanging things now and just use drawers. X

    1. Thank you :) i love it too, it makes me smile every time i look at it, and it's just so handy! I hope i find one too, i love drawers too, but we had to leave them when we moved to the wardrobe was the cheaper option xx

  5. Hope all goes well with your exhibition! xx

    1. Thank you :) i can't wait to show pictures of everything :) xx

  6. Good luck with the exhibition I am sure it will be great :-) Sorry about your wardrobe. I love having a bread maker the smell when you wake up in the morning is heaven. Enjoy your spinning wheel, dee x

    1. thank you! only 2 days to go now i'm getting nervous now haha :)
      I haven't done an overnight loaf yet,planning on it at some point this week :) xx


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