Hi guys :D After my wonderful bargain at Woolfest i thought you might be interested in seeing how it goes from raw fleece to yarn. Now this is rather a new journey for me. I've spun before, but only with batts (ready washed and carded wool) So, i lay me fleece out, inspect it and sort through it to get rid of any left over poo/debris and sort into smaller batches I discover a funny looking yellow/orange gunk which is a mixture of lanolin, know as wool wax, it is a naturally occurring grease which waterproofs the wool (wonderful for your hands, it is found in many moisturizers and ointments), and suint (sweat) I washed the wool in very hot water and detergent. You have to be very careful at this stage as if you agitate the wool too much it will felt! I then drain the water and set it out for the next rinse I will do this 3 times and then roll it in a towel to get rid of excess water Then lay out to dry and hope for a sunny ...
“Use it up, wear it out, make it do, or do without.”