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My Empire Of Dirt

Hi guys. :)
 So, the pictures below are my empire, it is a fairly decent size garden, not too big, but it is lumpy and bumpy and i've discovered a few paving slabs down the middle, but the grass has completely grown over it so i'll have to do some digging to unearth them.

This half i want to use for raised vegetable, fruit and herb beds.

This is the start. This is going to be for kitchen herbs that i use the most. Funny story about how i got it.
It used to be part of this rather lovely T.V stand... but in my usual fashion i got bored with where it was and wanted it in the corner you see it on now (it used to be on the opposite side)
So, i took everything off but the T.V and started to roll it along (it used to have castors) i obviously didn't think about the weight of the T.V until the castors buckled and i was left holding on to the T.V for dear life to stop it crashing to the ground! So, i took the T.V off (not as heavy as it looks) upended it and got to work screwing the castors back on. but the screws were still in the wood, and because it is so old they had almost welded themselves to the wood, and neither me or The Bearded Wonder could unscrew them! So, The Bearded Wonder had the genius idea of hammering the wood off and just setting it on the floor instead. The drawer above was jam packed full of papers so i decided to save it and re-use it, so The Bearded Wonder could have more space for his ever growing DVD collection (the ones you see are, believe it or not, not even a quarter of his collection)
Isn't hindsight a wonderful thing?

I'm starting as i mean to go on, making chicken stock for soup

Half is in the fridge an the other half went towards this divine chicken noodle and sweetcorn soup (i LOVE sweetcorn) i used spaghetti as it was all i had in the cupboard, but i think Vermicelli noodles would work better next time.

My chives and basil are growing nicely, the parsley seems to be taking a little longer, but the seeds are starting to sprout now at least, i read yesterday that i should have soaked the parsley seeds before sowing, once again, hindsight.

I've made a start on crocheting a cardigan, this is the back, believe it or not! It seems to have shrunk! But, that may be down to the pattern (making it up as i go along) It still goes across my back, so it'll do ;)

On completely unrelated note, this wee man lives up the road and i got to stroke him this morning! I clicked my teeth at him and he came trotting up, without a care in the world and asked nicely for a scratch behind his ears :)
Isn't he adorable? :)

I also picked some more cow parsley and some forget-me-nots to add some much needed colour 

What have you been doing this week so far?


  1. How exciting creating your garden from scratch , I can just visualise it, will be great when you can just go and pick something fresh for tea.

    1. I can't wait! It will be a lot of hard work in the beginning but will pay off so well in the long run! *Jumps up and down with glee* :D xx

  2. I love reading about your gardening, cooking and sewing adventures :) You create a big smile on my face and make my day <3 I adore your blog so keep it going <3 From your friend across the Pond <3

    1. Thank you Patricia :) <3 you've made my day just by commenting :) I'd love to see you start a blog to :D xxx

  3. So exciting to have a clean slate! I am starting potatoes in a new patch of lawn at the moment, It is a great way to start a veggie garden without having to do any digging up of the lawn. I will look forward to seeing how it goes. And to seeing your cardigan. Love the colour and the pattern looks very pretty.

    1. Oh fantastic! It is really exiting! I want to get everything done instantly but, sadly my bank balance tells me i can't! haha
      Thank you, ii'm not normally a lilac person but i couldn't resist as i got a full cone for only 50p! :)
      I'm nearly finished it already, have been crocheting like a mad woman lol x

  4. What's the soil like in the garden? You could remove the turf and sow some salads but you'll probably need to add some organic matter to the soil. What about growing some cut and come again in a bag of compost as a good start?

    1. I have not a clue. lol It's hard packed and full of spiders and millipedes! I'm not really a salad person, my idea of salad is iceberg cucumber tomatoes and a grated carrot haha :D I don't mind them, but we generally eat root veg more, if that makes sense? Whats a cut and come again? :)

  5. Look forward to reading about your cooking and veg garden.

    1. Thanks Dave :D glad to have you here :D x

  6. Your cardigan looks great and I love your plans for the garden.

    1. Thank you Lucy :) nearly finished now thank goodness haha : D Thank you for stopping by,i am coming over now to say hello :) xx

  7. Having a new garden to create is very exciting isn't it!!! I am sure that you will get it looking great. My suggestion would be to start in one place and get that looking good, just keep mowing the rest as best as you can and as you get one bit done you can move on. I will enjoy seeing your progress! xx

  8. You've definitely got your work cut out for you but it will be so nice when you get done! I'm working on my backyard too and it's a mess as well!

    Thanks for your comment on my little bear Samuel!


    1. I'm pleased i have the hubby to help do some of the heavy work, and strim the grass down (i don't use the strimmer anymore, they are dangerous! Ask me how i know lol )
      I'd love to see your backyard too :)
      And you are very welcome, is really is too adorable for words :)

      <3 x

    2. *Samuel, i mean , i somehow managed to miss out a whole word!

  9. Have fun in the garden making it your own. I look forward to seeing your progress. Next garden job I have to do is paint the fence *sigh* x

    1. Thank you :D I would have posted more progress tonight but my computer doesn't seem to want to upload photo's :( grrr
      Good luck on the fence, sorry but i don't envy you! haha :) xx


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