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Hi guys :)
The weather was lovely today, so i sent out The Bearded Wonder to strim the grass. I don't go near the strimmer. They are dangerous! Ask me how i know... ;)

It was a nice, pottery sort of day, nice enough to wear a skirt, so i went out and attempted to unearth the paving stone path in the middle of the garden, but it is so overgrown i'll need a proper spade to get rid of it all instead of a teeny trowel, which is useless.
I also planted some potatoes from kitchen scraps, whether they will grow or not i have no idea, but fingers firmly crossed! 

I made a strawberry cheesecake thingy, but without the cheese, and i got single cream instead of whipping cream so it was quite sloppy, but it still tastes lovely (Eating it as we speak)

And lastly.... a huge ta-dah moment! 
I finished my cardigan!!!! 

Yes i know it is a top.... it was SUPPOSED to be a cardigan, but i made the panels far too big and, quite frankly, couldn't be bothered to undo them and start again so i sewed one over the other and turned it into a top instead! Which is why the middle panel looks a bit bulky and makes me look pregnant 
(i'm not). I'm calling it a tummy warmer ;) 

What have you been up to today?


  1. Why is your strimmer dangerous?

    1. Because last time i tried to use one the wire got caught and i lifted it up to untangle it and didn't realize i still had my finger on the button and pushed it by accident. it ended up cutting into my knee about 20 times and stung like holy hell! I've still got a faint scar lol :)
      Which is why i let the hubby do it :P

  2. We had some potato's which were growing legs, hubby planted them and they are growing really well, hopefully we will get free new potatoes. It was hot here today, I might have to show a bit of leg as well tommorow x

    1. Oh fantastic! That gives me hope for mine then :) Sadly it is far too windy to be able to show my legs, i have too wear footless tights most of the time :( I don't want to give the neighbours a shock if my skirt blows up lmao!

  3. Sounds like a very busy day with lots going on at your house. Glad that your dessert was tasty! xx

    1. Sunday is supposed to be a day of rest apparently! haha well i'm not moving a muscle tomorrow :D xx

  4. I like it as a top - lovely! Good luck with the potatoes. It is always worth a try - you never know what will happen if you don't give it a go!

    1. Thank you :D I've been out almost every hour checking on them, they are terribly slow growers aren't they? haha :) xx


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